July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty for Murder

What a shocker! We cannot believe this troubled and deranged woman was found not guilty of the murder of her innocent child Caylee Anthony in Florida at around 1pm EST. This sense of disbelief is everywhere are people are tweeting and posting their shock at the outcome. Speaking to most people, you would hear that they agree Casey definitely had something do with her daughter's death but not completely sure to what extent. This is absolutely shocking and I think by no means does this mean that things are over for Casey. Her family structure is totally destroyed because of this trial after sexual assault allegations against her father and brother. There is no way that things can return back to normal for Casey. Even though she was acquitted for 1st degree murder, aggravated child abuse and even aggravated manslaughter (seriously?! come on), she was found guilty for providing information to a law enforcement officer. This is absolutely ridiculous! She is definitely the OJ Simpson of the younger generation, as we will never forget this classic court case. What an outcome. If you were on this jury, how would you find?

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